The blogs have been filled with pictures of Tracey Edmonds with Deion Sanders at several family and charity events. This is causing a few eyebrows to be raised because she was named in Deion's divorce as a possible factor by Deion's wife Pilar. It would seem on the surface that Tracey has an extensive history of dating wealthy and influential men in order to gain exposure, but instead of hating on her like many of the blogs have been doing lately I actually applaud her for knowing what she wants and pursuing it.
I am probably one of the few women that will admit that I see nothing wrong with a woman pursuing a man who is wealthy or powerful for her own gain. Personally, I think these relationships have a layer of honesty that most "normal" relationships lack. Wealthy dude knows why you are there and chooses to accept it. He rarely if ever is an unknowing victim in this situation. The woman also is pretty clear in her reason for pursuing love and she has established that what she brings to the table --- her beauty -- comes at a high price.
The truth is, all relationships have some degree of "trade-off" where a person fills in those things in your life that you crave. Money is one of those things that can be added to other more common "trade-offs" like a great job, benefits, a nice car, owning a home, smart, nice hair, good teeth, great family and more that people never admit to being the real reason why they are with a person. We just seem to view beauty and money as the dirty trade-offs in love and that is crazy to me!
When entering into any relationship you have to be honest about why you are there. Masking your real motives with "love" never ever works because at the first relationship bump in the road your true motivation is revealed. If you don't believe me, bookmark any of the recent celebrity unions and then check back in five years and see how many of these "so in love" couples are now splitting and talking about the lack of support for the kids, lump sum payments, millions awarded or hidden assets. Even in "normal relationships" where there was so much love you will find couples getting ugly over houses, bank accounts, pensions, health insurance and more. It is eventually revealed what was really valued in the union. You will be wondering --- what happened to the love?
I would rather two people be honest from the get go about their end game. So if the Tracey Edmonds of the world want to only deal with wealthy and influential men, I see nothing wrong with it because the guys know this and they move forward anyway with the relationships. Both sides see the other coming and and they know what lies ahead.
LaDawn Black is a relationship expert, author and media personality. Cocoa Mommalicious is her forum for sharing tales from the mommy lines, love lines and life lines. For more information visit .
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