Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nene May Know the Ex is the Best Option

I have been sick all Memorial Day weekend so I am finally coming out of my cough/pneumonia haze and what do I find dominating the blogs -- photos of Nene and Greg Leakes from RHOA at a charity event in the ATL.  It appears to me that we see this pair photographed together more after their divorce than they were when they were married. 

Now I don't know if they are dating, good friends or if it was a divorce of convenience (one rumor floating is that the divorce was to avoid Greg's business debt impacting Nene's new rich ways). What I do know is that this celeb couple reflects what a lot of people have found to be true -- that after breaking up and stepping back out into the dating game sometimes your best match is your ex. 

Here are a few reasons why it is not always a bad thing to try to work that old thing out:

You Already Know

You've probably heard the saying that says something like it is better to "deal with the devil you know..."  I think when it comes to the ex it is easier because you already know what you liked and what you disliked.  You've done the work already to discover things that can be worked on and things that just are what they are. The focus is less on getting to know and understand you and more on how can we both the get the best out of this situation.

Shared Circle

Many of your interests, friends, family and professional circles are already mixing.  People get you too as a couple and if things didn't end to dramatically more then likely your circle is your biggest cheerleader for working things out.  It is hard to introduce someone new to people who liked or maybe even loved your ex.  You'd be amazed how much what the circle thinks forces people to make major love decisions.

Lazy Love

This one is the ABSOLUTE truth ---- people are lazy when it comes to love!  We'd like to think people are putting in the work, research and grinding away every minute of the day to make love fresh, but the truth is love lives generally get the least amount of planning and attention.  This laziness makes the ex attractive because we jump the whole appearing perfect stage of dating and are able to reveal our true selves.  The ex gets that you don't shave your legs in the winter or that it takes a big glass of red wine for you to be sane in the evenings.  There is something attractive about a person who just seems to get you ---- easily.

LaDawn Black is a relationship expert, author and media personality. Cocoa Mommalicious is her forum for sharing tales from the mommy lines, love lines and life lines. For more information visit .

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