Eric Benet has put out "Redbone Girl," a song that extols his love of light skin women with serial light skin love offender Lil Wayne adding a line or two.
Many are offended that once again a black man has chosen to promote the beauty of a light skin black woman. Granted, all of the naysayers filling up the comment sections of popular sites seem to have forgotten Benet's song and beautiful video "Chocolate Legs" a few years ago. How can you write two songs praising the beauty of black women and only have one of them push buttons?
There was no light skin revolt to "Chocolate Legs." We didn't feel that by Benet talking about the beauty of brown skin that all the men of the world would run and dump their light skin lovers in favor of a darker sister. Why is "Redbone" such a hot button and "Chocolate Legs" such an afterthought? Aren't we pass the BS that was never really ours. An idea placed in us to keep us fighting and dividing instead partnering and conquering.
I get the history of light skin being valued and seen as beautiful and brown skin always fighting for its much deserved "beauty/ desirability" accolades, but give this brother a break because unlike other artists --- he gave equal time. I just think we as a people need to stop giving the light skin/ dark skin thing so much power.
We all know that we have our preferences and the same way some women only date tall men or some men only deal with women with pretty feet --- we should let a person's preference for a certain skin tone slide as well. It is all in what turns you on.
Personally, I am more offended that he used the term Redbone. Eric, you know I love you, but 1970 wants its word back.
LaDawn Black is a relationship expert, author and media personality. Cocoa Mommalicious is her forum for sharing tales from the mommy lines, love lines and life lines. For more information visit .